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Oct 28 2024

Tuesdays Open Run

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In  November we are going to be hosting some open run sessions. Tuesdays we will be hosting Boys grades 8 & 9 and Boys grades 10 to 12. The registration fee is $50 and we will have a limit of 40 participants per division. Please read the information on the flyer attached or contact if you have any questions.

This new program will have 4 sessions and is a good place for intermediate & advanced players to have a game-like experience and apply their skills. We will do a quick team warmup (no basketballs) and announce the teams at the beginning of each session. Depending on the amount of participants that show up each day we are going to adjust the game format.

Parents are welcome to volunteer on the sidelines as coaches/facilitators.If you are interested please send us an email to arrange it.

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